Out with the Old, In with the New

Hi ya’ll out there in blog land!

Once again, I am sneaking in a post before bedtime as I’ve been super busy the past couple days. Today, my five year old son Gable lost his first tooth! This, of course, makes me extremely aware that he is growing up and makes me happy and sad at the same time. Mamahood sure is hard sometimes! One second I’m telling him to stop singing the Spongebob song for the jillionth time and the next I’m reminding myself that in 10.5 years he will be driving.

And then I sing along.


Now, before I cry  let me show you the piece I recently sold.



Isn’t this secretary desk oh-so-shabby-chic?

It was one of the first pieces I bought when I started getting into vintage style in my very early twenties and I have to admit I was pretty attached to it. But I reminded myself that our little cottage is exactly that- little! So, I decided it was time for someone else to enjoy it. And when a young college student came in looking for her first piece of furniture for her new apartment I knew this was the piece for her. What can I say? I’m the antique matchmaker.


For now I’ve filled that lonely corner of my living room with a china cabinet I’ve been thinking of re-doing. (But I’m sure I’ll probably use this as an excuse to buy something else- which is kind of silly since I’m supposed to be downsizing! But ya’ll won’t tell my husband that, right?)



Now, since it’s past one- I’ll guess I’ll have to hit the hay.

Sorry for this short post but believe me I’m working on a really good long post filled with links to my favorite inspirational decor sites on the web so be sure to check in tomorrow.

Ya’ll come back now,


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